A character’s ancestry is their species, like elves and dwarves. Within the game of Beacon, ancestry determines a beacon’s size and gives them a collection of ancestry traits that they can choose from for combat scenes.


Avians are birdlike people with the physical characteristics of flying creatures: ravens, parrots, bats, and so on. Not every avian can fly, however, and some are completely wingless.


Cambions are people with demonic traits like horns, tails, or cloven hooves. The specifics and prominence of these traits varies from Reflection to Reflection, but cambions are often distant descendants of demons with their own unique cultures.


Draken are people with draconic traits like scales, tails, or wings. Their specific physical characteristics depend greatly on the Reflection and what its dragons are like. Draken are imposing figures, either through their stature or presence.


Dwarves are stocky people who tend to be shorter than most humans. They are known for their mental and physical fortitude.


Elementals are people with strong connections to specific elements, like fire or water. Some have bodies made entirely of their element, while others just have individual features like burning hair.


Elves are a long-lived people with lifespans that range from slightly longer than human to truly immortal. The signature physical characteristic of elves is their pointed ears.


The gigan, often called half-giants, tend to be the tallest people in any given Reflection. It’s not known whether they are directly related to giants, but they share unmistakable cultural similarities with them, like clothing and music styles.


Gnomes are a diminutive people with an appreciation for technology or nature. Whichever they prefer, they lean into it hard. Those fond of nature often live alongside their favorite animals, while those fond of technology strive to discover new advancements for it.


Goblins are ambitious people with shorter-than-human lifespans. In many Reflections they are viewed as “monsters”, although that’s usually because the people of those places want cannon-fodder for their heroes to murder. Hopefully you’ll do better than that in your Reflection.


Halflings are known for their strong wills and friendly demeanors. They are among the shortest people of any Reflection, but their charm can fill a room.


You are, presumably, a human; you might have some idea what it involves.


Kobolds are a reptilian people known for their incredible craftmanship. Kobold-crafted gear is highly coveted by beacons due to its unusually high aetheric density, which makes it easier to enchant.


Lycanthropes are people with the ability to assume an animal form, and sometimes even a hybrid form. Some lycanthropes can do this naturally, and sometimes lycanthropy is a disease or curse.


Machina are artificial people. Whether made from technology or magic, they have now gained the ability to think for themselves.


Orcs are a tall, muscular people with a love for competition. They sometimes have tusks or horns, and have skin tones outside of the human range, including green and grey.